3d innovation...

...in the school.

3d4kids APP

Please check our exercises repository with information of how to use this exercises in class. The 3d4kids repository is available as a web app and an Android app

the project


Open and innovative practices in a digital era

The 3D4KIDs project aims to create innovative education using a specific industrial technology which creates physical objects using digital models. Two specific software platforms will be developed for teachers and students and several software designs will be created. The software tools developed will contain all training materials. They will be protected under open licenses.


Strengthening the profiles of the teaching profession

The 3D4KIDS project aims to improve the knowledge of teachers regarding the 3D printing technology by developing some specific training materials. Furthermore, a methodology dedicated to teachers for creating new didactical exercises using the 3D printing will be developed.


Promoting the acquisition of skills and competences.

The 3D4KIDs project aims to develop innovative teaching methods in several subject by using the 3D printing technology. Specially, it will allow students with poor motivation or attention deficit disorder to progress in those subjects.


To feed an industry that is in high growth as is 3DP of their “target groups”: students.

To improve educational transversal skills of the students through the use of 3DP.

To heightened concentration of pupils with Attention Deficit Disorder.

To improve 3D skills of secondary schools teachers without technologic background.

To work in a cross curricular way among Departments in schools.

To know first-hand the educational systems in every country participating in the project.


the partners


connecting schools with the 3D industry so they do not have to depend on their own 3D printers

creating a high value network for schools and 3D printing professionals

start networking

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